ABA shows continuous support for AMT's educational programs in 2024


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ABA Bank marked its continuous support by contributing another $100,000 to the Association of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and Samdech Kittiprittbandit Scholarship Students (AMT) for its scholarships and educational programs.

Following the MoU signed in 2023, ABA committed to providing AMT another year of financial support for its remarkable work in providing quality education to those who cannot afford higher education.

The official meeting was presided over by H.E. Sok Puthyvuth, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of AMT, Askhat Azhikhanov, Chief Executive Officer of ABA Bank, and other distinguished guests on 19 July 2024.

"We are impressed by your focus on providing scholarships to those who cannot afford higher education and even sending students abroad. The importance of quality and diverse education cannot be overstated, and the work of the AMT Scholarship Association directly impacts the development of Cambodia's human capital," commented Askhat Azhikhanov during the meeting.

"To demonstrate our continuous commitment, we signed an MOU with AMT to extend the Bank's support for another $100,000 annually for three consecutive years starting from 2023. Today's meeting marks our second year of this support with another $100,000 donation," he added.

"We would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to the board and leadership of ABA Bank for invaluable generosity that allows AMT to provide a wider range of scholarship opportunities to Cambodian students to strengthen their capacities and contribute to human resources development under the vision of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet," said H.E. Sok Puthyvuth, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of AMT.

The Bank has supported AMT's scholarship and educational program since 2022 to help continue its essential work of building quality human capital for the country's future progress. We believe that our support and AMT's efforts will assist Cambodian students in accessing quality education and realizing their full potential.