Instant​ Loan​ against Fixed Deposit

ABA​ Bank​ offers​ Instant​ Loan​ against​ Fixed​ Deposit​ in​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ for​ those​ who​ needs​ emergency​ cash​ without​ breaking​ their​ Fixed​ Deposit​ and​ losing​ the​ accrued​ interest.​

The​ loan​ is​ provided​ on​ easy​ terms​ and​ conditions​ with​ no​ processing​ fee,​ no​ document​ submission​ and​ instant​ loan​ approval!​

Key benefits

Keep​ Fixed​ Deposit​ untouched
Enjoy​ the​ access​ to​ extra​ funds​ and​ still​ have​ Fixed​ Deposit​ bringing​ interest​ to​ you.​ Saving​ with​ ABA​ is​ now​ even​ more​ reliable!

Immediate​ funding
Be​ it​ day​ or​ night,​ you​ get​ access​ to​ emergency​ cash​ from​ the​ Bank​ within​ seconds.​ You’ll​ receive​ funds​ in​ a​ lump​ sum — making​ this​ a​ great​ option​ for​ large​ expenses.

No​ fees​ and​ charges
Enjoy​ the​ instant​ loan​ with​ no​ processing​ fee​ and​ penalty​ for​ early​ loan​ repayment.​ Make​ repayment​ anytime​ and​ pay​ interest​ only​ for​ days​ you​ borrowed.

Main conditions

Supported​ currency​1USD,​ KHR
Borrower eligibilityCustomer shall meet all conditions below:
  • Be 18 years old or above on the application date
  • Have Fixed Deposit account (single owner)2
  • Be a ABA Mobile App user
Financing purposePersonal needs
Credit facility typeInstant Loan Against Fixed Deposit
CollateralFixed Deposit with ABA (opened via mobile or over the counter) only
Settlement termAny​ time​ before​ the​ due​ date​ of​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ used​ as​ loan​ collateral
Loan tenor (Fixed)The same as current FD maturity date
Loan amountMinimum amount
  • 50 USD or 200,000 KHR
Maximum amount
  • 90% of FD amount or 50,000 USD or
    200,000,000 KHR whichever is lower
Top up3 / SettlementAllowed in ABA Mobile app only
Interest rate (p.a.)Plus 3% p.a on top of customer Fixed Deposit account rate
Repayment modePrinciple and interest to be paid on the maturity date
Processing feeFree
Loan settlement condition
  • Self-settlement4
  • Auto settlement on maturity5
  • Force settlement on maturity6

All Terms and Conditions are subject to ABA Bank’s sole discretion without prior notice to customers.

1 Loan currency is based on Fixed Deposit currency.
2 There should not be any prior amount block in FD account.
3 Maximum amount follows item “Loan amount”.
4 Customer can settle the loan before maturity date in ABA Mobile App.
5 Customer is required to maintain [loan amount + interest] in disbursed account for loan settlement at maturity.
6 In case customer doesn’t maintain sufficient balance [loan amount + interest] in loan settlement account, system will force close the principal and interest of all types of FD in loan settlement account to fully close the loan.

How​ to​ get​ Instant​ Loan​ Against​ Fixed​ Deposit?

  1. Launch​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ and​ tap​ “Loans”​ button​ on​ the​ main​ screen
  2. Select​ Fixed​ Deposit1​ which​ will​ be​ used​ as​ a​ collateral​ for​ the​ Instant​ Loan.​
  3. Enter​ the​ loan​ amount2​ that​ can​ go​ as​ high​ as​ 90%​ of​ the​ Fixed​ Deposit​ amount​ and​ tap​ “GET​ LOAN”​ button.
  4. ​​Confirm​ the​ loan​ request​ with​ ABA​ Mobile​ 4-digit​ PIN,​ after​ which​ the​ loan​ will​ be​ instantly​ issued.​ Here,​ you​ can​ also​ download​ the​ loan​ agreement​ for​ your​ convenience.

1​ If​ you​ have​ one​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account​ only,​ it​ will​ be​ automatically​ selected.​ If​ you​ have​ more​ than​ one​ Fixed​ Deposit,​ you​ should​ select​ one​ of​ them​ to​ continue​ the​ loan​ issuance​ process.​ If​ you​ don’t​ have​ a​ Fixed​ Deposit,​ you​ can​ create​ one​ easily​ right​ in​ the​ app.

2​ The​ amount​ of​ loan​ you​ can​ borrow​ is​ up​ to​ 90%​ of​ the​ amount​ of​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ or​ maximum​ USD​ 5,000​ /​ KHR​ 20​ million.​


All​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ users​ above​ 18​ years​ old​ with​ at​ least​ one​ active​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account (except joint Fixed Deposit).

Get ABA Mobile app

Click​ the​ icon​ below​ to​ download​ the​ application​ from​ Apple's App store, Google's Play Store or Huawei's AppGallery.​ After​ downloading,​ simply​ follow​ the​ screen​ instructions​ to​ start​ mobile​ banking!


Terms​ and​ conditions​ are​ subject​ to​ change​ without​ prior​ notice​ to​ customers.​ For​ more​ information​ on​ the​ Instant​​ Loan,​ visit​ your​ nearest​ ABA​ Bank​ branch,​ our​ website​​ or​ call​ our​ hotline​ at​ 098 203 203 available​ 24/7​ for​ you.

ABA​ Instant​ Loan​ is​ a​ loan​ issued​ instantly​ in​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ against​ customer’s​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account.​ The​ loan​ is​ available​ in​ USD​ and​ KHR.​
  • Instant​ access​ to​ emergency​ cash​ from​ the​ Bank
  • Attractive​ interest​ rate
  • No​ processing​ fees
  • No​ penalty​ for​ early​ loan​ repayment
  • Make​ repayment​ anytime​ and​ pay​ interest​ only​ for​ days​ you​ borrowed
You​ should​ have​ ABA​ Savings​ Account​ and​ at​ least​ one​ active​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account.​ To​ request​ for​ loan,​ you​ should​ have​ ABA​ Mobile​ app​ installed​ on​ your​ smartphone.
To​ get​ the​ Instant​ Loan,​ you​ need​ to​ use​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account​ as​ collateral.
The​ loan​ is​ capped​ at​ 90%​ of​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit,​ maximum​ USD​ 50,000​ /​ KHR​ 200​ million.
In​ case​ you​ meet​ the​ requirements​ for​ loan​ disbursement,​ it​ will​ be​ issued​ instantly.​
The​ interest​ rate​ for​ your​​ Instant​ Loan​ depends​ on​ the​ terms​ and​ conditions​ of​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account.​ Please​ check​ carefully​ the​ actual​ interest​ rate​ on​ the​ screen​ of​ ABA​ Mobile​ when​ you​ create​ the​ loan​ request.
The​ loan​ principal​ and​ interest​ shall​ be​ paid​ in​ full​ on​ or​ before​ the​ maturity​ date​ of​ Fixed​ Deposit​ that​ was​ used​ as​ collateral​ for​ the​ loan.​ Interest​ is​ calculated​ from​ the​ date​ of​ disbursement​ of​ the​ loan​ till​ the​ date​ when​ the​ loan​ is​ repaid.​
No,​ there​ is​ no​ penalty​ for​ the​ early​ loan​ repayment.​ You​ can​ repay​ the​ loan’s​ principal​ amount​ and​ interest​ at​ any​ day​ convenient​ for​ you​ with​ no​ early​ loan​ repayment​ fee.
Should​ you​ miss​ the​ due​ date​ of​ your​ loan​ repayment,​ ABA​ will​ use​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ used​ as​ loan​ collateral​ to​ settle​ the​ due​ principal​ and​ interest​ amount​ of​ the​ loan.​ The​ Fixed​ Deposit​ will​ be​ closed​ after​ it,​ and​ the​ funds​ that​ will​ remain​ after​ all​ necessary​ deductions​ will​ be​ credited​ back​ to​ your​ Savings​ account​ you​ used​ for​ Fixed​ Deposit​ opening.​
Yes,​ you​ can​ issue​ several​ loans​ if​ you​ have​ more​ than​ one​ Fixed​ Deposit​ accounts​ with​ us.​ Please​ note​ that​ you​ can​ issue​ one​ loan​ for​ each​ Fixed​ Deposit​ account.
No,​ you​ cannot.​ The​ loan​ is​ issued​ in​ the​ currency​ of​ your​ Fixed​ Deposit​ used​ as​ loan​ collateral​ and​ cannot​ be​ changed​ to​ other​ currency​ later.​
In​ case​ of​ any​ questions​ regarding​ Mobile​ Instant​ Loan,​ please​ feel​ free​ to​ call​ us​ at​ 098 203 203​ or​ send​ an​ email​ to​ [email protected],​ or​ send​ us​ a​ message​ in​ the​ 24/7​ web-chat​ on​ our​ website​​ or​ on​ our​ Facebook​ page.